(Apologies to those incorrectly blocked, by the way.)
Things relevant to the AKS algorithm - little original content - mainly links.
Analyses |
Improvements |
Issues |
Complexity |
Soundbytes |
Intros |
Implementations |
Presentations |
Primes |
Miscellany |
Recent changes:
2005/08/13 - (Woh! Where's time gone?) Another implementation added.
2003/05/12 - Capitalised PRIMES where appropriate. It not shouting, it's correct.
2003/05/07 - (Woh! Where's time gone?) One analysis, one improvement, two presentations, and 2 new
implemetations added.
2003/03/19 - Removed these pages from half of the internet.
I.e. renouned mathematicians who have implicitly or explicitly indicated that they agree with the validity of the proof.
(Popular - accessible to all)
"HL" and "DB" refers to the improvements made by Henrik Lenstra and Professor Bernstein
in papers linked to above.
+(opt) means that there's a choice of whether to use the following conjectures:
"Germain Conjecture" means assuming the truth of the conjecture stated in
section 5 of the AKS paper, and explained further in AKS's [HL22] reference.
Similarly "Conjecture 4" means assuming the truth of the conjecture stated in
section 6 of the AKS paper, and explained further in AKS's [BP01]
reference. See the AKS paper linked to above.
Alas, no direct URLs for the payloads here, but hopefully enough information to find paper versions.
Thanks, for the pointers and contributions, guys:
*_Peter Luschny_* (an absolute star! Peter - drop me a mail, wanadoo just bounced my most recent "thank you"),
Anton S., Paul L., Yves G., Medhi T., Alan S., Alexander R., Scott Aaronson, Professor Bernstein, Aldo, Nathan
R. and of course to Agrawal, Kayal, and Saxena themselves. Oh, and apologies to Noam for jokingly besmirching
his good name with the anagram!
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