Existence of 5-cage implies sum >=15 Existence of 2-cage implies sum <=17 Existence of 8 different 4-cages implies sum>=16 Absense of kropke in 2-cage implies the sum's exactly 16 => 2-cage is a 79 pair "The secret" in box 9 immediately places a 3 in the 3-cage cell that hangs outside in box 8 => its kropke partner must be a 4 => its cage completes with a 9 black kropke in 3-cage in box 9 can only be 36 with a 7 => 4-cage in same box is 1258 and the black kropke's 12 Every 4-cage apart from one (box 7-8) has some kind of kropke in, and there's only one 16-sum that does not admit any kropkes => cage containing 1357 identified => its 3 is placeable remaining 3-cage in box 8 can only have evens => 268 cage identified 4-cage in box 7 may not contain a 3 so is 1267 or 1249 => the lower cell of the black kropke can only be a 2 => the 5 in box 7, being the 5 in row 7, can only be in column 1 => its kropke partner can't be 6, as the cage cannot have 2 5's. => the 457 3-cage is fully placed => the 4-cage in the same box is 1249 => its 9 can be placed => the 157 3-cage in box 8 places its 7 => the 1258 4-cage in box 9 places its 5 and 8 double-white-kropke 4-cage in box 6 can only be 234 (with 7) or 456 (with 1) => there must be a 4, which can't be in the middle, and is therefore uniquely placed The 4 in the 5-cage (12346) is placed => black kropkes in 5-cage must be 36 and 12 the white kropke in 5-cage implies 6 is above 3, 1 above 2 => 654 is ruled out from the 4-cage in box 6 => the 2347 4-cage is fully placed we now have 2 1's in columns 4 and 5 in boxes 5 and 8 which restricts what can go in box 2 box 2 has an entire 3-cage and an entire 4-cage, and must not place 6 and 3 in different cages. That limits it to 259+1348 or 358+1249 => the 3-cage contains a 5, and the 4-cage a 1 => that 1 is in column 6 => the 15 pair in box 8 resolve => the whole 5-cage fully resolves => the 3-cage containing 268 fully resolves => naked 8 in r7c4 => box 2 has 259 and 1348 in its cages => 7 and 9 placeable in column 5 => naked 4 in box 8 the 4-cage in box 4 can't have a 3 or 4 in it, so must be 1267, in only one way => the 14 pair in box 7 resolves => the 5 and 9 in row 6 fully resolve => the 3-cage partly in box six must be the 169 => 8 placeable in box 6 => 5 placeable in box 5 => the 3-cage in box 4 must be 358, and resolves completely => 9 placeable in box 4 => the 86 pair in box 7 resolves => 178 fully placeable in 3-cage in box 1 => 48 pair resolves in box 2 1456 cannot go in the 4-cage in box 1 => 2356 all placeable in the 4-cage in box 1 => 4 and 9 placeable in box 1 => 79 pair resolves in box 3 => 6 and 7 resolve in box 2 => 1456 all placeable in the 4-cage in box 3 => 259 triplet fully resoves in box 2 => 16 pair resolves in box 6 => 12 pair resolves in box 9 => remaining 2, 3, 8 in box 3 drop in Bosh!